Are Book Levels Really So Bad?

As we get to know our new crop of students this school year, teachers gather all sorts of data, both hard and soft.  It’s so important to get a feel…

Are Running Records Aligned with SOR?

Last week, I saw a very concerning Facebook post. It was something to the effect of “since running records aren’t aligned with the science of reading (SOR), how do I…

Want to See an Integrated Literacy Day?

I’m a big proponent of integrated literacy instruction.  Why?  Well for starters, it just makes good sense.  It’s also very supported by research. And it helps make the reading-writing connection…

10 Benefits of the Interactive Read Aloud

Ah, the interactive read aloud.  It’s often one of the things we all remember most about our own elementary school days.  And they overflow with teaching possibilities.  In her book…